About our Residential Program
More than a shelter, our Residential Program provides transitional housing and comprehensive services to assist women in crisis in becoming healthy, productive members of our community. Our campus includes three homes, which include five modern but simple apartments offering each woman her own bedroom. Kitchen/living facilities are shared with up to three other women. Women live independently within a network of supportive services on-grounds. Each woman receives weekly intensive case management, weekly counseling sessions with one of our professional counselors, and is required to participate in a number of groups that cover a variety of topics related to mental health, life skills, and personal and spiritual growth.
Residents with a history of substance abuse must have a minimum length of sobriety prior to admission.
Residents are expected to pay rent starting at $300/month and increasing incrementally until a maximum amount of $500/month at 12 months.

Residents enjoy their own bedrooms.
Interested in our residential housing program? Complete and submit the application here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Z5bjoATTcUSnha4YJL2er6jGsoOl1AFBj_cggzX_WfxUNFc1Mk9YRUUwVVJSTk05NTJUOVNNU1Q4Sy4u