Residential Program for Women
Welcome to Transformation.
At Hope Alive, we are passionately committed to empowering the hurting in our community, particularly women in crisis. No matter where someone is on life’s journey, we want everyone who walks through our doors to feel valued, loved, and seen.
Through our safe and affordable transitional housing and our mental health services, we work to guide those we serve toward whole-person transformation.
With an individualized approach, our Residential Program is designed to help hurting women in crisis transform their lives in mind, body, and soul.
Program Elements
Counseling & Support Groups
Mental health is a cornerstone of personal well-being. Weekly counseling is provided to help clients find healing from past hurts, habits, or hang-ups.
Weekly groups provide training, tools, and support for physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual growth.

Case Management
During weekly meetings, we help clients access the resources they need to thrive such as employment, education, transportation and healthcare.

Life Skills
While learning the tools of self-sufficiency, clients live in private rooms within community. Household chores are shared as everyone develops life skills for independent success.