Mission & Vision Statement

Hope Alive Core Values by Dawn Etzel


  1. Being devoted to prayer as foundational and growth individually in our relationship with God.
  2. Being unified and interdependent on each other, utilizing the giftings of one another for the greater good of each of those we serve.
  3. Valuing each person, be it others in ministry or those we are serving, knowing that we are called to “Love each person where they are.”
  4. Creating a place of safety and hope, where intimacy is fostered, confidentially is honored, and accountability without condemnation is the benchmark.
  5. Equipping people with a knowledge and a thirst for “The Word” so as to empower them to grow in His Truth.
  6. Being obedient in all things we do, seeking always what, when, and how He would have things done and sacrificially doing what He asks, even if it appears illogical.
  7. Committing to excellence as measured by The Bible which honors God and inspires others to do likewise.
  8. Seeking above all to be “Christ” to others, and always making Him and His love the focus, GIVING HIM ALL THE GLORY!!